I recently switched pkgin’s repository from SourceForge’s CVS to GitHub. Long story short, I heard here and there that SF was considering to drop CVS support and I found GitHub service to be more responsive and elegant. Also, I was looking for an excuse to learn git :)
Anyway, GitHub interface may be sexy, they used to have some kind of “upload” section which has been dropped. That may sound like a simple story, but the fact is when it comes to packaging a GitHub-hosted application, things are not that simple when the author has not explicitly tagged a specific release.
Damn I love pkgsrc. Let me tell you this story as an example…
A while ago, a couple of pkgin users told me it was a shame that /usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf was still pointing to a 5.0 URL when pkgin is freshly installed. Thing is, pkgin does support the $osrelease variable, but on NetBSD, the result of kern.osrelease can be 6.0_SOMETHING, which would lead to:
and this does dot exists on the repository.
Et bah voila, NetBSD 6.0 est dans les bacs, et avec lui, pkgin accessible depuis sysinst(8)…
3 ans plus tard, c’est arrivé. Y’a pas à chier, ça fait quelque chose.
!@#!@# de bug.
Des mois que je cherchais au mauvais endroit, en effet, uniquement chez certains utilisateurs (évidemment), un pkgin up / fug proposait d’installer l’univers. Problème dans le moteur de dépendances me dis-je; que de temps perdu à décortiquer ce qui fonctionnait parfaitement, pour finalement tomber sur ceci:
Il ne faut PAaaaaaaas coder avec de l’alcool dans le sang, il ne faut pas, parce qu’après, on se retrouve avec des bouts de trucs ni faits ni à faire qui supposent que les membres d’une structure seront forcément alignés, et des effets de bords qui n’ont rien à voir.
I’ve just commited As the version shows, it is a bugfix release; is@ got a very nasty bug that took me a while to figure out. For 3 years, the only pkg_summary(5) format I’ve seen was:
or, in case of conflicting packages:
Well it turns out that we can also find:
which is pretty annoying when it comes to stick to an anchor. Until now, I did the following:
Finally, here comes a release ! Read the full announcement and changelog on pkgsrc-users.
And here we are for week 2 !
There have been some fixes last week, issues were mainly spotted by orgrim, thanks to him !
The big one concerns a type of dewey/glob I’ve never been through before:
Until now, I was able to handle the following (from pkg_str.c)
As there was no “easy” way of handling those double-globs dependencies, I took a simple approach: resolve dependency with a matching package when the pattern is too complex (sqlite_callback.
Foreword: this post will be written in english as many pkgin users don’t speak french. Sorry to my french readers then, and sorry also to my english readers as i’m not as fluent in english as i am in french :)
I subscribed to jmmv’s blog, The Julipedia, a while ago and found his idea of the “Kyua: Weekly status report” very inspiring, that’s a good way to keep your users informed on how the project is moving and keeps you focused on your TODO (although i hate TODO’s…).
J’aime aussi les vacances parce qu’elles me donnent des idées, et ce matin, alors que j’attendais que la piscine se réchauffe, j’ai pondu ça: